


We need to let women be women AND men be men. Let’s stop rebuking men for doing things instinctive to their nature like trying to provide for us and protect us. Let’s stop saying, “I don’t need a man to (fill-in the blank).” Let’s stop suppressing our feelings (emotions), bc we don’t wanna look weak. Because the truth is...we need each other. We really do…

10 Tips for Choosing Worship Songs

10 Tips for Choosing Worship Songs

Have you ever wondered how worship leaders choose which songs they use? Have you ever wondered how YOU should choose the songs you bring to your church? After years of planning worship services I can say that there are a few key things that I consider when choosing songs. By no means is this a complete list…and there’s lots of biased sprinkled in all along this process.  However, I believe that these ten tips will help you be more confident in choosing the right songs for your congregation. Here we go!

7 Keys to Motherhood

7 Keys to Motherhood

Motherhood is an invitation into the up-close-and-personal of our lives. It’s one of the most beautiful and crucial parts of God’s design for His children. And contrary to a lie that has gripped our generation: you don’t lose your identity when you become a mom… your identity is added to. God made YOU, with all of your gifts, talents and passions to be your kids’ mom, and they need to see the real you. They need to see what gets you fired up, what refreshes you and makes you come alive!

A Worthy King

A Worthy King

…This is the beauty of being a follower of Jesus. We have constant, unlimited access to the God of universe and he doesn’t just tolerate our presence, He absolutely delights in it. So the most effective thing we could do as Christians is to take full advantage of that access and to seize every opportunity to remember His goodness and faithfulness. When our awareness of His presence is heightened, the ability of other gods to creep in diminishes. 

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Have you ever felt as if you were invisible or that life is just plain hard?  I know what that feels like…

… wondering if the heartache will ease

… questioning if your words and efforts really make a difference

… thinking back to when life just seemed easier

… trying to praise God in moments when He feels so distant