Deeper Wells

Recently, my husband Eric and I have started a new work out program.  One of the requirements of this program is to drink half your body weight in water - which I have heard time and time again.  When I actually started measuring how much water I was truly drinking, though, I realized I was dehydrated.  In fact, I realized that what I was taught by this new program was true for me.  Many times I believed I was hungry, and I was actually thirsty.  Once I started drinking enough water, it was almost as if I got more thirsty!   

Isn’t it that way with us?  So many times we think we are hungry.  We are hungry for lots of things this world can offer us---success, money, influence, material things.  What we don’t see, however, is that we are actually thirsty.  Thirsty for the living water.  It’s the only thing that satisfies, and once we remember that, it only makes us more thirsty. 

If we can keep drinking from the living water, our wells will be full.  That means we always have something to draw from.  How can we give out of an empty well? 

There are many ways to fill our wells.  Reading books, listening to music, the words of a wise friend, church services.  These are all raindrops into our well.

The greatest way, though, is spending time with the Lord.  Reading his word, worshipping, prayer.  This is like pouring waterfalls into us.  Every time I make space for that I get filled.  Especially on days when I really sacrifice other things to make that happen. 

Revelation 22:17 (The Message) says, “Is anyone thirsty?  Come!  ALL WHO WILL, come and drink, drink freely of the Water of Life (emphasis added.)" 

This verse shows us that the water is always there, it is up to us whether we choose to be filled.  If we will get into the practice of filling our well tho, we are always full and always have more to share.  This greatly impacts the kind of songs we can write, and how we lead. 

If we are at home worshipping on a regular basis, wearing that path out everyday, worshipping in a writer’s room or leading worship at church will be dripping with living water.

May worship be more than music, more than time, more than a gathering.  May it be a reflex.   

Stay thirsty!